How to get ahead of 99% of people

It's actually pretty easy...

Most of the time you hear people say, 

  • “You have to wake up early!”

  • “Don't hang out with your friends” 

  • “Get rid of all the distractions”

And also something known as “MONK MODE”.


It's the best way to get beyond 99% of people by having less social and communication skills. 

Let's be real, 

Have you ever seen any successful person with monkish behavior…? 

Here's the simplest way to explain it to you, 

If you want to get ahead of 99% of people in the world, 

then you should be willing to do something that the 99% are not willing to do. 

You should be against the rest of the world.

There is this crazy story about Steve Jobs that he got KICKED OUT from his own company for being a psychopath,

I'm not getting in-depth about that story. 

In business, those who've dared to think differently have often been the ones to redefine industries. 

For example People like… 

  • Steve Jobs 

  • Elon Musk

  • Jeff Bezos etc… 

All of them had correct contrarian ideas. 

Actionable tips


Don’t wanna waste your precious time. 

Here are some important tips to get ahead, 

  • Prioritize your Health

Health is the only one thing that nothing can buy but the work and efforts you put towards it. (at least you don't have to spend all the money you made in a hospital)

  • Network with people 

Surround yourself with positive, successful people. Networking can open up opportunities and provide support,

It is extremely free value because you will get to suck up all the knowledge other people have for absolutely FREE. Or even get a chance to work with them. 

  • Master Communication

Imagine you are on a sales call with a client, or an interview and they are the one who asks all the questions and you're like, umm… ahh… well… etc… 

Do you think that client or the employer will work with you? 


All they’ll be thinking is how they can get rid of you.

Effective communication skills are the key to building relationships with friends, family, clients, etc… persuading others, and leading effectively. 

  • Take Calculated Risks

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone and take risks that could lead to significant growth. 

  • Seek Mentorship

Learn from those who have already achieved what you aspire to. Their guidance can be invaluable. Having a mentor, a personal coach, or as we talked about earlier by networking, etc… 

So these are the 5 inevitable ways to get ahead of all the lazy MFs in this generation. 

Now… if you have read this far, I assume that you are a really ambitious person, and I pray that you'll make it one day. 

And that's it for today. I hope you learned something from this. 

Also if you have any questions, then shoot me a DM, I promise I'll reply. 

Talk soon, 
